W hat is GSTR-4? GSTR-4 is the annual GST Return that has to be filed by a composition dealer. Unlike a regular taxpayer who is required to furnish 2 monthly returns and an annual return (with certain exemptions), a dealer opting for the composition scheme is required to furnish one return every quarter in Form CMP-08 and Form GSTR 4 once a year by the 30th day of April, following the financial year . Late fees under GST as per latest notification Note that the maximum late fees have been rationalised from the month of June 2021 and quarter ending June 2021. As per the 43rd GST Council meeting’s outcome, maximum late fee is reduced to the following amounts based on type of return and turnover slab, notified via the CGST notifications 19/2021, 20/2021,21/2021 dated 1st June 2021 for GSTR-3B and GSTR-1. Name of the return Type of return Annual turnover in previous year Maximum late fee under CGST Maximum late fee under SGST Maximum late fee ...