Error Code Error Messege Reason for Error Resolution 2150 Duplicate IRN Attempting to register a document again which is already registered and IRN is generated. Don't fire the same request simultaneously. This results in one request giving the error as 'Duplicate IRN request'. Best way to avoid firing of IRN request repeatedly for the same request, is update in your system with IRN number when the response comes back. Next time check the IRN, if it is not there, then fire for IRN. 2172 For intra state transaction IGST amounts is not applicable for item - {0} and Sl. No {1} , only CGST and SGST amounts are applicable. IGST amount is being passed for Intra State transaction where as CGST and SGST are applicable. Please check the applicable taxes for current transaction. If the State code of Point of Supply (POS) of recipient is same is state code of Supplier, then CSGT and SGST applies. However, under exception circumstances as per rule if IGST is applicable for intrastate t...